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Approved minutes 7/24/2013
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday July 24, 2013 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Ernest DeMaio, Paul Durand,
Helen Sides, Glenn Kennedy, David Jaquith
Members Absent:         
Others Present:                         Andrew Shapiro
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 265 Essex Street (DeIulis Properties, LLC): Discussion of proposed replacement of windows, sills, trim, and storm panels.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a proposal, cut sheets, and photos. Patrick DeIulis was present on behalf of DeIulis Properties LLC.

DeIulis noted that windows would be clad with wood on the interior and aluminum with a built in screen on the exterior. All the rotting trim that surrounds the windows will be replaced with Azek.

Sides questioned how the windows will be trimmed and if the sill will have some dimension. Sides commented that 6-over-6 uniformity throughout would be more appealing and will look more consistent. Windows should be white with a matte finish. Conerboards should match existing and not be fluted.

DeIulis commented that details will match existing and the sill will not wrap around. A picture frame sill all the way around will be used. Windows will be a combination of different sizes, 6-over-6 and 12-over-12. DeIulis commented that his intent is to match the existing windows if possible. Original colors will be matched.

Kennedy questioned if something different could be done to the bottom sill rather than a straight picture frame style. Kennedy noted that the sill should be clad so it appears as a piece of the window. A recommendation to keep the sill should be made.

DeMaio noted that the sill could have a square return or fluted. DeMaio questioned if the eaves, rakes, and corner boards will be replaced if required. All trim on the building should be treated the same way so it is consistent. DeMaio questioned if there is a texture on the PVC. DeIulis commented that there will be a smooth finish on the PVC.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following conditions:

  • Approve clad windows,  
  • 6 over 6 windows.
  • Smooth finish Azek trimboard including sill with no fluting.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 4-0.

  • 87 Washington Street (Opus Restaurant): Discussion of proposed outdoor café.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a proposal, cut sheets, and photos. Candace Knight and Mark McDonough were present on behalf of Opus Restaurant.

Shapiro commented that there would not be enough clearance in regards to the location of an existing tree well. A 48” clearance is required on the sidewalk.

DeMaio commented that the owner is required to have handicap accessible seating that meets proper clearances.

Durand commented that fencing is required. Durand commented that the outdoor seating doesn’t fit well and is not aesthetically pleasing making for an uncomfortable space. There is outdoor seating in the rear of the business.

Knight questioned if round café tables that are more petite could be used and meet requirements. Tables shown are 32” and could be decreased to 24” rounds.

Jaquith noted that dimensions are needed for the round tables to be approved. A fixed proposal with real dimensions for this area is required. Jaquith commented that the board should just approve the rear of the building today.

DeMaio questioned if there are any umbrellas proposed on Washington Street. Knight commented that there are not.

Kennedy commented that no logos should be on the umbrellas. The proposal is for blue umbrellas with a white crest on the middle. Kennedy noted that he will follow up with this.

Knight questioned if the concealed garbage area could be extended out to the edge. There is currently not enough room for trash. This would help to define the outdoor seating and would prevent an eyesore.

Kennedy: Motion to approve with the following conditions:

  • Approve trash area to extend out.
  • Approve back patio as drawn and presented.
  • Pending approval on umbrellas based on recommendation made by Kennedy.
  • Continue approval of front layout, owner to provide dimensions and new seating layout, show all elements and cut sheet of heater.
Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 5-0.

  • 2 Lynde Street (Firenze Trattoria): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a proposal, cut sheets, and photos.
Zamir Kociaj was present on behalf of Firenze Trattoria.

Kociaj commented that brackets and the color of the board will match existing.  Kociaj commented that red and white colors on the 3-D letters and a thin white edge will be used.

Kennedy questioned how thick is the sign will be. Kennedy noted that the lettering needs to be brought in about 10% from the edge, closer to the center. Text should be compressed about half the height of the larger letter. Kennedy noted that this will provide more of an edge along with more visibility to lettering. The text size should remain the same.

Kociaj commented that the sign will be the same thickness as the provided sample.

The following comments were provided as suggestions, not mandatory adjustments to the proposal:

  • Lettering to be brought in about 10% from the edge, closer to the center
Sides: Motion to approve without further comment:
Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 5-0.

  • 201 Washington Street (Beijing Herbal Foot Spa): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a proposal, cut sheets, and photos. A representative of Sign-a-rama was present on behalf of Beijing Herbal Foot Spa.

The representative commented that the signage will fit exactly the same as the signage before.

Kennedy commented that the sign does not feel like it fits in with the other signage on the building. Kennedy questioned if the sign will be backlit.

Sides commented that the proposed sign is unique because it is not a well-known commodity. It will become invisible if it blends in.

Jaquith commented that if the spacing between “Herbal Foot Spa” tightens up a bit, the sign would then appear more united. Beijing is the name; Herbal Foot Spa is what they do.

Kennedy: Motion to approve.
Seconded by: Sides, Passes 5-0.

  • 131 Essex Street (The Marble Faun): Discussion of proposed signage.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a proposal, cut sheets, and photos. Anne DeStefano was present on behalf of The Marble Faun.

DeStefano commented that the proposal is for a standard building sign to be placed above her storefront, stenciled lettering on her storefront window, and an A-frame sign.

Kennedy commented that the lettering on the building sign needs to be tightened up a bit so it becomes closer to the center and provides more of an edge. Kennedy noted that the A-frame sign should be black with Marble Faun text placed on the actual sign. Stencil lettering on the window is the same font and says the same thing is ok.

Jaquith: Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • A-Frame should be black
Seconded by: Kennedy, Passes 5-0.

  • 283 Derby Street (Brothers Restaurant and Deli): Discussion of proposed outdoor café, signage, and façade improvements.
The submission under review before the DRB includes a proposal, cut sheets, and photos.

Sides noted that the plan shows seating extending beyond building but elevations do not. Sides commented that seating area must be enclosed so that serving can occur. Sides commented that the awning could run continuously and not have gaps providing protection from rain, which would be a nice feature. The transparency of the awning would make it visually disappear anyway.

Durand commented that he applauds the awning being broken up. Durand commented that the business name could be set higher similar to the existing look.

DeMaio questioned whether there was a change in elevation between the driveway and seating. The representative commented that there is not. DeMaio noted that bollards will be required and should be a similar color. DeMaio commented that the entry door is shown swinging out onto the 7’ sidewalk.  DeMaio commented that something should be placed around the entry so people walking by won’t get hit by the door. DeMaio questioned whether the height of the door is meant to be oversized; the canopy is 9’ above. DeMaio noted that glass turning the corner would be a nice feature to include. By turning the awning and seating around the corner, you would be able to see the activity down the street.

Kennedy questioned what the color for the screen on the awning will be. Kennedy commented that the simplicity in the signage is nice. Seating looks great but bollards are needed. Kennedy commented that sample materials for the awnings are needed. Kennedy commented that the awnings have the opportunity to offset a bit; they do not have to be green.

The representative noted that a translucent green similar to the green proposed will be used on the awning.
Sides questioned how the entrance works now. The representative noted that they currently have a two different direction entry with a 4’x12’ outdoor vestibule. Sides commented that there should be more transparency between inside and out. Samples for the awning materials are needed.

Kennedy commented that door and tables could be a bit different to draw your eye into the entryway. Styles and rails could be chunkier instead of thin.
Kennedy noted that metal for the awnings could be grey with the green on top.

DeMaio commented that the gooseneck light could be an uplight instead of the more traditional fixture.

Durand commented that led lighting built into the signage would be a nice accent. Light fixtures get too much attention. Durand questioned how deep the recess is and if they could wash the front of the signage. Durand questioned what color the wrought iron fencing would be. Durand noted that a light grey paint would stand out and be more modern. Light grey would provide a connection to the doors. Durand noted that an aluminum mesh for the tables would be a nice feature to have.

Durand: Motion to approve with the following conditions:

  • Lighting: Approve as is,
Recommendation: uplight fixture or recessed led in signage
  • Signage: Lettering will be aluminum color and backing will be dark green. Signage should be mirrored.
Recommendation: 3Dimentional letters.
  • Windows: Framing will be dark green
  • Door: Height is 9’
Recommendation: Aluminum or gun metal grey.
  • Awnings: Aluminum with green clear.
  • Seating: Bollards are required (2)
  • Wrapping around the corner is ok.
  • Table color will be aluminum.
  • Door swing:
Recommendation: pull in 1’ or 1’6”
Planter for protection on door swing side.
  • Fence:
Recommendation: light grey paint color
  • Send finalized set of drawings, and material samples for awning, bollard placement to board for approval via email and provide to the SRA.
Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 5-0.


Approval of the meeting minutes from the July 1, 2013 regular meeting.

Sides: Motion to approve
Seconded by: Jaquith, Passes 5-0.


        Kennedy:  Motion to adjourn, seconded by Jaquith. Passes 5-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 7:54pm.